Fat-Shaming Comes Back To Bite Trump As Twitter Mocks His 236 Lb. Weight Claim
Credit: Gage Skidmore
September 15, 2016

Twitter users savagely mocked Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump this week after he released a letter from his doctor claiming he weighed 236 pounds.

After taping an appearance on The Dr. Oz Show on Wednesday to discuss his health, Trump provided the media with a one-page letter from Dr. Harold N. Bornstein, which suggests that the candidate's health was nearly perfect for his age.

In 1996, Trump had fat-shamed Alicia Machado after she won the Miss Universe pageant and gained weight, allegedly calling her "Miss Piggy" and staging a photo op where she was forced to exercise.

Those remarks came back to bite him this week as Twitter users ripped the assertion in Trump's medical report that he is "6'3" tall and weighs 236 pounds."

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