September 23, 2016

'The douche doesn't fall far from the bag'--John Fugelsang.

Leave it to the Trump boys to provide a perfect illustration: Eric Trump, the Beavis-lookalike son of Herr Drumpenfuhrer, sat with Outnumbered on Fox "News." His lies flowed like Niagara Falls.

Julie Roginsky, the sole voice of reason on the panel, was visibly stunned and amused by his fabrications. Here's the most notable fallacies the younger Drumpf decided to pass off as truth:

ERIC TRUMP: (Hillary Clinton) has been a politician longer than I have been alive.

Hillary ran for Senate, her first political office in 2000. Eric is 32. GOP math?

ERIC TRUMP: He's gone from just about nothing into a man..

JULIE ROGINSKY: (interrupting) Nothing? He got a million bucks! Come on!

Actually, Trump received financial assistance that was more along the lines of $14 million, but hey, it's still a pittance, right?

ERIC TRUMP: He's built an unbelievable empire, he's epitomized what America's all about.

Perhaps he epitomizes the most unsavory element in America, the racist, sexist, xenophobic contingent of con artists, not the melting pot, land of opportunity I'd like to believe my nation is.

Trump elaborated on what he thinks his dad represents:

ERIC TRUMP: ...Opportunity, Working hard and being able to achieve your dreams, right? (Roginsky smiling, stifling a laugh) It's no different than a Zuckerberg, right?

What exactly has anything Donald done that has made society better? His four bankruptcies? Three marriages? More lawsuits than he has neckties? The guy is a fraud, a conman and a terrible business person. The lies he has told are so numerous, it's impossible to mention them all.

What's worse is that his children are repeating his lies as if they were true.

Poor Donald Trump, he started with 'practically nothing,' yet his father died in 1999 with a net worth of $250-$300 million. Let's pretend Trump has 'humble' beginnings? Eric pushes that narrative like it's gospel.

His two sons, beautiful big game animal carcases in hand, are the heirs apparent of the serial cheater who spawned them. His daughter and inappropriate fantasy, Ivanka, has an elitist vision, not a childcare plan for the poor working mothers of America. (Her plan is based on a compilation of CEOs who happen to be mothers.)

All three of Trump's kids (the ones with Ivana, let's leave Tiffany and Barron out of it, as Tiffany is not campaigning for her dad and Barron is a minor) are just the junior liars, defending and apologizing for a sociopath. They are not the First Family America needs, no matter how many of our nation's racists deserve them.

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