September 9, 2016

After taking heat for praising President Vladimir Putin and his 82% approval ratings during MSNBC's Commander In Chief Forum Wednesday night, Donald Trump's campaign is now scrambling like mad as they try to deflect new criticisms surrounding linking Trump and being on Putin's network.

Donald Trump joined Larry King on RT's (Russia TV) and was asked about Russia's intervention into the presidential election.

Trump told the Russian government's backed TV station that it was "unlikely" Putin had anything to do with it.

"Putin recently said 'the hacking of the DNC's emails was a public service,' do you agree?"

Trump replied, "I don't have any opinion on it. You tell me. Who did the hacking?"

Trump has plenty of opinions just not about Russia's involvement with hacking the DNC.

Larry King then read a report saying US intelligence has launched an investigation into whether Russia launched a "covert operation" to disrupt the 2016 election and asked, "What do you make of that?

Trump replied, "I don't know. I've been hearing about it. I think it's probably unlikely. I think maybe the Democrats are putting it out there...I think it's pretty unlikely..."

Donald doesn't have an opinion on Putin's alleged hacking and defends the Russian president against claims he was involved, but he does have an opinion that the DNC might have put that story out there.

OK, then.

Then he attacked US foreign policy on RT as well.

That was not a good look for Trump.

Trump's campaign said they were tricked into appearing on RT.

"A former CNN superstar, Larry King, has a podcast, and Mr. Trump went on his podcast. Nobody said it would be on Russian TV," Conway said on CNN's "New Day."

So, it appears Putin is a much better negotiator and deal maker than Trump since Donald got shanghaied into appearing on RT.

That's good to know.

And it begs the question, who "tricked" Larry King (and Ed Schultz, for that matter) into appearing on Russian TV as well? It's Fox News syndrome for the media, too. Will on-air talent hold back criticism of Putin if they might work for him someday? That worked for Roger Ailes for years....

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