We all know the Mainstream Media's addiction to both-siderism is to blame for Donald Trump. By insisting that Trump deserves the same consideration as Clinton, they ignore proven, real-life pay-to-play scandalous conduct while serving up endless nothingburgers about her 'reckless' email. The both-sides are equal press is pretending to be unbiased, but they are being decidedly biased by propping up a lying unqualified candidate.
Additional blame should be placed squarely on the shoulders of Republicans in the House, like Jason Chaffetz, (R-UT). Republicans are determined to destroy Hillary Clinton while fleecing taxpayers out of millions of dollars by conducting costly, redundant and highly biased hearings on a matter already asked and answered by the FBI. CNN's Manu Raju openly admits that the whole charade is a ploy designed by Trump's political allies in Congress to take the focus off him. They are trying to hide his incompetence in every measure of a decent candidate.
Thanks to Media Matters for the transcript:
CAROL COSTELLO (HOST): And what's interesting, Manu, you're on Capitol Hill to cover a hearing on Hillary Clinton's emails on the House Oversight Committee, which is led by Republicans. Here's Hillary Clinton out at the airport talking about national security. And we haven't heard from Donald Trump yet this morning.
MANU RAJU: Yeah, that's right. And in that hearing, they're going to begin to hammer away on Hillary Clinton's email use. Of course, we've seen House Republicans do this before, but this is the beginning of three hearings today, two next week by that House Oversight Committee to question her judgment. So just as Jeff noted that Hillary Clinton trying to show that she has the judgment to be president, she does not want to give Donald Trump an inch. A lot of Donald Trump’s allies on Capitol Hill are trying to paint her as the one who is reckless by the way she handled her emails. And that's going to be a big focus on Capitol Hill going forward. We'll see how she deals with it after more revelations potentially come out because of these hearings, Carol.
There's no similarity between a charity like the Clinton Global Initiative and the utterly fallacious Trump University. The both-siderist press who are playing fast and loose with the lives of American people and the future of our democracy, by helping this 'worst Republican candidate ever' maintain any standing in the polls for their horserace.