September 29, 2016

The Killer has been roaming the earth for 81 years today. Jerry Lee Lewis is considered by many as the last man standing when it comes to being an originator of rock-n-roll that is still alive. The claim is only a slight exaggeration. Considering the life he has lead though it is a surprise to many he is still alive. I guess being tough and ornery has paid off though.

Though Jerry had a slew of hits in the 1950's, his indiscretions and attitude (along with the British Invasion) were just a couple of the factors that caused his success to dry up by the mid 1960's in the USA. Still adored in Europe at the time though he, along with the musical backing of the Nashville Teens, went over to the continent to tear it up in 1964. One of these recorded accounts ended up being resulting in one of the most rowdy wildest live albums ever.

What music turns you into a wild person tonight?

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