Sean Hannity on his August 10th show, spent an entire segment trying to cast shade on Hillary Clinton's physical well-being and health/fitness for handling the job as POTUS.
His theories would have had some legs had he interviewed the people who were actually present during some of these 'health scares.' But this is Sean Hannity we're talking about, so integrity and honesty are not at all a priority. He uses his own circumspection, validated by doctors who are being asked about vague supposition, not fact.
His 'experts' pontificate on the possibility of a stroke or traumatic brain injury. He plays video clips completely out of context, and never confers with anyone with first hand knowledge of these 'episodes.' CNN's Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter lays into Hannity, and no one can argue that this isn't a well-deserved beat down.
STELTER: Let me be clear. That was reckless speculation by Sean Hannity, all of it. This whole "Clinton is secretly sick thing" has been promoted by conservative news sites for years.
There's a grain of truth to the idea about her health, because she did have the health scare in 2012. It was well-reported at the time. But her doctors now say she's physically fit to be president and that there's no doubt about that.
But Hannity is not interested in the truth about Clinton's health. If he was, he could have interviewed people who were actually there during the episodes that he's exploiting.
Let's take the one at the very end. Hannity said Clinton was violently, uncontrollably jerking her head. He said the reporter got scared.
Sean, why not go ask the reporter? Go ask the reporter. The AP's Lisa Lerer wrote about this. She says FOX never contacted her and says she was never scared.
Here's what she says really happened that day.
Reporters were asking about a meeting with Elizabeth Warren. Lots of questions. Lots of questions to ask. So, Lerer writes: "Perhaps eager to avoid answering, or maybe just taken aback by our volume, Clinton responded with an exaggerated motion, shaking her head vigorously for a few seconds."
Look, conspiracy theories are so much more interesting than the truth. But the last time I checked, FOX still has the word news in its name.
I hope that Stelter would be that forthcoming and assertive if he interviewed Hannity face to face. I'm not so sure. However, this was a nice change from the usual glossing over of Fox 'News' attempting to perpetrate their fictitious opinion as real news.