Rumors swirled on Saturday that the top Trump pick was General Michael Flynn, friend to Vladimir Putin and former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Flynn is a fierce Islamophobe, which would fit well with Trump's leading philosophy.
However, there are problems, such as the fact that on This Week, Flynn revealed himself as pro-choice. It also turns out he's a registered Democrat, though I think he actually fits better over in the Republican Party overall.
Except for that whole pro-choice part.
"I think women have to be able to choose what they -- you know, that -- the -- sort of the right of choice...they are the ones that have to make the decision because they're the one that's -- ones that are going to decide to bring up that child or not," Flynn said.
Later in the interview, he admitted to being a Democrat who grew up in a Democratic family. " But I will tell you that the Democratic Party that exists in this country is not the Democratic Party that I grew up around in my -- in my upbringing, not at all," he concluded.
But he wouldn't admit to whether he has changed his voter registration yet. He dodged that question entirely.
I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter, though, given that the Republican Party is not going to countenance a pro-choice VP candidate. Not for one minute.