For those that aren't aware, Donald Trump's daughter, Ivanka, married an Orthodox Jew, converted and has 3 kids, all Jewish. This makes his atrocious, antisemitic meme from this Saturday even worse. Three days later, not a word from either Jared Kushner (the son in law) or his daughter publicly condemning the tiny fingered, Cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon's words.
Dana Schwartz, a (hopefully still employed) writer for the New York Observer (the paper owned by Kushner) penned a brutal letter, excoriating him for his utter lack of response to the horrific actions of his father in law.
I could not do the letter justice in a few short quotes, so please read it in its entirety here.
Kushner's lame response:
“My father-in-law is an incredibly loving and tolerant person who has embraced my family and our Judaism since I began dating my wife,” reads the statement. “I know that Donald does not at all subscribe to any racist or anti-semitic thinking. I have personally seen him embrace people of all racial and religious backgrounds. The suggestion that he may be intolerant is not reflective of the Donald Trump I know.”
Stockholm Syndrome is defined as "feelings of trust or affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor."
Jared, blink twice if he is holding you against your will. We will send someone to save you. No sane Jew would support such a blatantly racist person, even if they are your rich father in law.