August 1, 2016

It's so weird to see Russian media so happy over an American candidate for President's utter incompetency when it comes to foreign policy. So very weird.

But that's where we are. After Trump demonstrated his lack of knowledge about Ukraine and Crimea, Russian media jumped right on it.

The tycoon said he was "going to take a look at" the option of recognizing Crimea as part of Russia.

Russia's historical southern region of Crimea rejoined Russia after a 2014 referendum. Almost 97 percent of the region's population voted for reunification in a referendum. Sevastopol, which has a federal city status, supported the move by 95.6 percent of votes.

And of course, that vote was totally legit with virtually no dissent. Want to see a United States under Trump? Have a look at Russia under Putin, particularly when it comes to stifling dissent.

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