On Face The Nation, former New York City Mayor (Noun, Verb, 911) Rudy Giuliani is asked to opine on Newt Gingrich's recent statement, one which clearly contradicts the narratives espoused by Republicans. Host John Dickerson reminds Rudy of the remark.
GINGRICH: "White Americans can't understand the extra risk that comes with being Black in America and that Whites instinctively underestimate the danger of the black experience."
DICKERSON: What do you think about that?
Giuliani tepidly and briefly concurs, but his job, from this point on, is to prove that Newt's comment reflects a momentary lapse in reason, and it was only partially valid. Here's the reluctant affirmation:
GIULIANI: Whites have to realize that African-American men have a fear and boys have a fear of being confronted by the police because of some of these incidents. Some people may consider it rational. Some people may consider it irrational. But it's a reality. It -- it exists.
Now, he was locked and loaded to explain why he, very vehemently, disagrees with the reality that police brutality towards Black people is the real problem here. It was dog whistle time, and Rudy was a'blowin.'
And there's a second reality in the -- in the Black community. And the second reality in the Black community is, there's too much violence in the Black community. So a Black will die 1 percent or less at the hands of the police and 99 percent of the hands of a civilian, most often another Black. So if you want to protect black lives, then you've got to protect black lives, not just against police, which happens rarely, although with tremendous attention, and which happens every 14 hours in Chicago. Every 14 hours and we never hear from Black Lives Matter.
Dickerson attempted to stop the rant. But he was dominated by Rudy's obstinate dedication to his GOP talking-points.
So -- so if you want to deal -- if you want to deal with this on the black side, you've got to teach your children to be respectful to the police and you've got to teach your children that the real danger to them is not the police, the real danger to them 99 out of 100 times, 9,900 out of 1,000 times are other black kids who are going to kill them. That's the way they're going to die.
Rudy began an elaborative reminiscing of all the amazing things he accomplished with the help of his respectful climate towards the police. Finally, Dickerson had an opening to confront Giuliani's contradictory statements.
DICKERSON: ...you started out by saying that White Americans have to understand that this is happening in the Black community, and then at the end you said, members of the black community have to teach their children to behave in front of the police. That -- those messages seem to conflict with one another.
The ex-NYC mayor and failed GOP candidate continued on with the admonishment of Black parents who are not instilling enough deference in their children towards the police; video evidence of ghastly injustice be damned. He mentioned Chicago again, and that dang blasted rap music with its hypnotic 'commands' to murder cops. While dominating the interview, Rudy had to sneak in his opinion of the video footage that surfaced regarding one of the officer-involved shootings of a black man (he didn't specify which one) in Minnesota and Baton Rouge, and how it wasn't sufficient cause for outrage and claimed,
'there's one police murder of very questionable circumstances
He finished off his incredibly appalling performance with a discrediting and subsequent accusation of Black Lives Matter for the whole sordid mess.
GIULIANI: Of course black lives matter, and they matter greatly, but when you focus in on one percent of less than one percent of the murder that's going on in America, and you make it a national thing and all of you in the media make it much bigger than the black kid who's getting killed in Chicago every 14 hours, you create a disproportion.
The police understand it and it puts a target on their back. Every cop in America will tell you, that if you ask him.
So in conclusion, if you blame racial tensions on the horrific evidence of the total disregard for justice towards a disproportionate number of Black people at the hands of law enforcement, you MUST acknowledge all the GOP racist, black-on-black crime that has happened first, foremost and much more often.
Thanks for the copsplaining Rudy!