When Walker spoke on Wednesday night, he delivered the promised hypocritical smear of Hillary Clinton. But that quickly turned into Walker's kick off stump speech for his own 2020 presidential bid.
He again trotted out the same dog and pony show, telling everyone in the crowd how he was a legend in his own mind. He boasted of a non-existent economic recovery, fictitious lower unemployment numbers, his completely false claim of cutting taxes for anyone but the rich and, of course, "bravely" staring down the protesters and unions. (At least he didn't compare them to terrorists...this time.)
Walker stump speech was just the end of Walker already schmoozing up to the delegates from the early voting states:
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, whose 2016 bid collapsed despite stellar fundraising, is doing his own tour of early state delegations, and meeting with some of the nation’s biggest GOP donors. Attendees at a Wednesday event sponsored by his political committee left with the impression that Walker was positioning himself for another White House run.
Addressing a delegation of North Carolina Republicans over breakfast Wednesday morning, Walker didn’t allude much to his future ambitions. But he didn’t miss an opportunity to remind a battleground-state crowd of his own political successes in Wisconsin, which he noted hasn’t voted for a Republican presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan.
“Common-sense conservative reform works even in a blue state like Wisconsin,” he said.
What this means is that Walker become even more of an attention whore, traveling around the country selling his snake oil. He's probably already writing his speech blasting Trump (and President Clinton, of course) after he loses in November.
Unfortunately, it also means that he will continue to tighten the screws on Wisconsin workers and taxpayers as he panders to his major campaign contributors.