Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter was trying to confirm the shooting of police officers in Baton Rouge this morning. CNN thought it would be a great help to add to the mix, the opinions of race-baiter, Harry Houck.
STELTER: What is your initial reaction, knowing that other officers across the country feel when they hear this news right now?
HOUCK: It's heartbreaking to have to see police officers going through this again, in another city. The fact is there is a war on the police and it has started. We have a narrative out there that helps promote this type of tings [sic] from occurring. You know, we had the shooting with Sterling in Baton Rouge, we don't know the circumstances. The investigation has not ended yet. That suspect was armed and still apparently there are a lot of people who think what the police officers did there was criminal. And that narrative out there makes people like this man who shot these three police officers very, very mad, even though it is a false narrative, and we have police officers that are being attacked because of that.
Stelter wants him to clarify what he means by the officers being attacked because of a 'false narrative.'
STELTER: Many of these, most of these, the vast majority of protesters would condemn any act of violence against police officers. So when you say a war on cops, can you explain specifically what you mean by that?
HOUCK: Well, listen, I mean -- I'm not talking about peaceful protesters, Brian. You know, I'm talking about violent protesters. I'm talking about the people that are attacking police officers. I'm talking about the narrative that's out by politicians towards police officers.
I'm talking about people that, when they're stopped by police, they believe they can do and they do not have to comply. That's all a result of a false narrative.
He then provides a tale of a 'suspect' who was asked to provide ID for no real reason and refused. Of course Houck was apoplectic with rage. He reaffirms the paranoia of the Right by perpetuating lies about what people are allegedly being encouraged to believe, by folks in Black Lives Matter and other 'Leftist' groups.
HOUCK: There's a false narrative out there telling people that they do not have to cooperate with the police. (no, there isn't).
Harry the racist remained on the line for more input later.
STELTER: Harry, please stay on the phone with us. I want to bring in other guests as well.
There's no need to revisit his comments any further. I think we get the gist.