July 1, 2016

Donald Trump's campaign is in some hot water after watchdog groups filed a complaint with the FEC for asking foreigners (members of British Parliament) to donate to his campaign via email which is illegal.

As usual it's #NeverTrumpsFault.

On CNN's New Day this morning, Corey Lewandowski blamed those foreigners for "opting into" Trump's email systems because Trump is the coolest and want him to win the election.

Co-host Alisyn Camerota got into Lewandowski's grill and asked, "..well, that's illegal to be soliciting donations from foreign leaders or foreigners so what's going on there?

Corey replied, "Well my guess is the individual opted into an email system because, that I know of, the Trump campaign has never purchased a list to solicit any information and so, if it's an opt in and you send a request out to the list of people who opted in to be part of this, that's perfectly legal..."

Does this sound like nonsense to you? If a foreigner had opted in, why would they be complaining about it at all?

Corey tried to say maybe US citizens overseas were receiving them and Carmerota cut in to say, "but she's not a US citizen."

"It's possible that people who live overseas, who want to participate in the US presidential process have the opportunity to do that."

Lewandowski must have been working on that line all night, but it doesn't hold up because it was a British politician who blew the whistle.

Here's where he tried to turn it into an Abbott and Costello routine. Following transcript from Mediaite:

Camerota: But then how would this member of British parliament have gotten this solicitation?

Lewandowski: Look, if the member of the British parliament or anybody else for that matter opted into the Donald J. Trump e-mail system —

Camerota: She said she didn’t opt in.

Lewandowski: Look, it’s possible.

Corey continued on, "But the bottom line is that anybody who opted into the system voluntarily, and anybody can opt out at any time they want by going to

Camerota: She didn’t opt in.

Lewandowski: …they can opt in or out of the system.

Camerota: But she didn’t opt in.

Lewandowski: Maybe she didn’t. Look, I don’t know the answer to this specific case, but there’s millions of people on this list. There are people who live overseas who want to contribute to the presidential campaign because Hillary Clinton will be a disaster for Israel and they know that.

I think we all know that the "opt in" defense will not work.

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