Dr. Ben Carson backtracked on his criticisms of Trump's offensive tweets by declaring that he'll be attacked no matter what he does.
July 5, 2016

On Twitter, Ben Carson was pretty explicit on how he felt about Donald Trump's "Star of David" tweet.

Carson issued a warning for Trump's campaign to be more careful how they use social media, but when he joined MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell, he had a very different take on the outrage caused by the "Star of David" tweet.

After outlining the controversy, Mitchell asked Carson, if he was "troubled at all by his twitter practices?" Should he be more careful about what he retweets or tweets?

Carson's response was bizarre given his own twitter response to the Star of David controversy a few hours earlier when he said, "To be honest with you, it doesn't really matter what he does - he's gonna be criticized severely for it. I'm not sure you need to totally change the way that you're doing things because you're seeking less criticism."

Say, what? WTF did he just say? Keep being a racist just because?

Carson continued, "When you're a certain person, you're of a certain party, a certain philosophy, you're going to be heavily criticized no matter what you do.

So Trump should continue to use offensive, racist and anti-Semitic images and memes in his campaign because he's a conservative? Talk about Conservative backlash style politics. This is as ignorant an answer on this issue as I've seen.

Mitchell was as perplexed as I and pressed, "Does he have an obligation as the Republican presumptive nominee to uphold a higher standard, to avoid some of these websites and twitter sites which are involved in racially charged groups, and white supremacist groups?"

One would hope so, but Dr. Carson replied, "I know Donald Trump and he's not a racist by any stretch of the imagination and that's what needs to be brought out."

See, tweeting racist, anti-Semitic crap is fine because I know Trump! And he's for AMERICA!

There you have it.

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