Donald Trump held an unhinged rally in San Jose tonight. Clearly Hillary Clinton's harsh criticism of him earlier in the day unsettled him enough to really turn up the heat.
In addition to confusing his wife with his daughter, Trump staged his entrance to one of Adolf Hitler's favorite tunes, Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries.
I've set the video above to just before he enters to give his (utterly unhinged) speech. Ahead of the Valkyries entrance, there is a taped performance of Trump calling to "Get them out!" along with his recitation of the lyrics to "The Snake."
He also calls for Hillary Clinton to be tossed in jail, because that's what fascists do -- jail the opposition.
According to others with the stomach to actually watch this debacle, Trump was spitting, repeating the same sentences over and over, and basically venting his spleen all over San Jose.
There's no question who Trump is emulating. Just look at the two side-by-side for proof.