June 7, 2016

This was quite a smackdown. On Monday, White House Spokesman Josh Earnest connected the Republican Senate freak out over their racist attack Trumpster fire, with that same Republican Senate's stated desire to, let's face it, give that racist a gift-wrapped open Supreme Court seat on inauguration day. Time.com:

The White House criticized Republican senators who have broken with Donald Trump over his statements against a Hispanic judge, noting that they are holding up a vote on a Supreme Court nomination.

“I guess I would just point out that it’s a little ironic for Republicans in the Senate who say they have concerns about the Republican presidential nominee’s views as it relates to judges to also say that they’re not going to confirm any judges to preserve the ability of the Republican presidential nominee to potentially make those appointments,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Monday.

But that's not all...

Earnest also suggested that the American people will pay attention to the positions of Republicans in light of Trump’s statements on Curiel as well as the nominee’s statements.

“I guess I find the reluctance of current Republican officeholders disavowing their endorsement totally unsurprising. This is not an exception, this is the rule,” Earnest said. “It’s an unfortunate one and yes, it’s one I do think that people across the country will notice.”

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