June 13, 2016

I don't want our readers to think that we at Crooks and Liars are in the habit of embedding week-old Fox News videos straight from their servers on a regular basis.

This clip was duly noted in our regular weekly staff meeting last week...and every single staffer said "pass" on ruining the Crooks and Liars brand (TM) with a video of Laura Ingraham mentioning that Donald Trump has, and we are quoting her, "the secret sauce."

I mean, how would Twitter react? (Twitter reacted with an obscene gif, because of course they did.)

Speaking of Twitter, this morning Fox and Friends Ainsley Earnhardt bragged about being "first" to have Donald Trump on post-Orlando shooting. (Memo to Ainsley phone interviews don't count.) Where he sounded like a full-blown conspiracy theorist.

My expectation is that Fox News will continue to sell Donald's secret sauce like a piece of Melania's Shopping Network jewelry through November, no matter how rancid it gets.

The question is, will their viewers continue to buy it when it becomes obvious Trump is going to lose the election and take the Republican Senate with him?

Can you help us out?

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