June 16, 2016

I totally understand if some of our readers do not want to click play on this video. It's just too painful to think of young children getting shot. Not to mention that our Congress reacted to Sandy Hook with nothing but 'thoughts and prayers.'

But one message is worth getting whether you watch the video or not. Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut tells us about courage:

"It doesn't take courage to stand here on the floor of the United States Senate for two hours or six hours or 14 hours. It doesn't take courage to stand up to the gun lobby when 90 percent of your constituents want change to happen." Murphy said.

“It takes courage to look into the eye of a shooter and instead of running, wrapping your arms around a 6-year-old boy and accepting death as a trade for just a tiny, little ... piece of increased peace of mind for a little boy under your charge.”

“I ask you all this question," Murphy said as he ended his marathon speech, "if Anne Marie Murphy could do that, then ask yourself, what can you do to make sure that Orlando or Sandy Hook never, ever happens again?”

Transcript via Roll Call

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