After witnessing his daughter's murder on live TV, Andy Parker has had it with republicans in Congress and the NRA for refusing to pass common sense gun control measures.
June 23, 2016

On CNN's News Hour With Carol Costello, Andy Parker, father of a daughter that was shot and killed on live TV, didn't mince words after the host played clips of an NRA talk show host comparing the Democrats holding a sit-in, to terrorists and called them "treasonous."

Carol Costello set up the segment by playing the audio of the NRA's Cam Edwards, who was angry that Democrats broke House rules by taking pictures to stage their sit-in and said, "they’re also going to flout the House rules. Kind of like, you know, criminals and terrorists flout the rules that we have in place right now and will continue to do so?

Costello said, "snarky humor doesn't cut it in the real world when you've lost a child to gun violence."

She then asked Andy Parker, "Are these lawmakers staging this sit-in, terrorists?"

Parker didn't hold back and replied, " I find that comment completely offensive and ridiculous. The real terrorists are the folks at the NRA. Those are the terrorists and unfortunately we have politicians that are complicit, they've pledged allegiance to the NRA versus the United States of America and the safety of its citizens - and it's - I've called them treasonous, and I will continue to call them treasonous "

He then took aim at Republicans in Congress who were acting like stooges and flunkies for the NRA and said, "When you have Bob Goodlatte, who told me to my face that he would never hold a hearing on any kind of gun legislation..."

He continued, "...between him, Mitch McConnell, Mike McCall and Eddie Munster, excuse me, I mean Paul Ryan. When you have those people who are obstructionists - to me they'd be wearing orange jump suits right now. They'd be the first in line."

I see he's been reading the left wing blogs to find Paul Ryan's nickname, but his anger is palatable and should be taken seriously.

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