June 7, 2016

Bloomberg reported that during a conference call yesterday, Donald Trump urged his most visible supporters to defend his attacks on Judge Curiel and then designate reporters and others who question him as "racists."

Apparently, that includes the leaders of the Republican party.

Joffrey Baretheon, ummmm, I mean Jeffrey Lord, Trump's CNN attack dog, mauled Speaker Paul Ryan for calling out Donald Trump's racist attacks on Judge Curiel during a segment with CNN's Carol Costello.

Lord said, "let me make no bones about it, Speaker Ryan is wrong and Speaker Ryan has switched positions and is now supporting identity politics, which is racist! I am astonished.

Carol Costello asked, “You’re accusing Paul Ryan of racism?”

Lord continued, “I am accusing anybody, anybody who believes in identity politics, which he apparently now does, of playing the race card. The Republican establishment is playing this, Senator McConnell is playing this.” “These people have run and hid and borrowed the Democratic agenda of playing the race card. It is wrong!”

Costello replied, "Do you know how ironic that is that you’re calling all of those particular Republicans racist?”

But Lord would not be denied, "I am saying it is identity politics, which is racist, and they should reject it out of hand. I thought Speaker Ryan did...”

Joffrey Lord would call a full moon an eclipse, if Donald Trump asked him to.

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