Look here, Ben Shapiro got paid to write a thing. And then he tweeted a clip from it because he was so proud.
Notes From A Neo-Nazi Cuckservative | Daily Wire https://t.co/EarRs943uD pic.twitter.com/olnmvGzpN0
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) June 1, 2016
I wanted to post the tweet because he provides the both siderism between the Ku Klux Klan and Black Lives Matter in context, so that no one misunderstands the nuance that yes, he really is saying that the "brutality of the 'diversity' clique" yields an equal feeling of hate in Ben Shapiro's wide-open heart as "despicable...white nationalism."
I understand Ben's confusion, if he has no idea what the actual KKK is. And if all he knows about Black Lives Matter is what he hears on Fox News.
But here's the weird deal, Ben. There IS a lot of parallel construction between some descriptions of BLM and the KKK. So you have to read the next two statements reeeeeallly carefully.
1. Black Lives Matter wants the Police to Stop Shooting Unarmed Black People.
There's actually more to BLM than just that, but the death of Trayvon Martin and subsequent not-guilty verdict of his assailant was one of several deaths at the hands of cops that inspired many in the Black community to rally around the BLM cause.
2. The KKK infiltrates police departments that have since been found to have a habit of shooting Unarmed Black People.
And torturing them, and harrassing them, and singling them out for traffic violations, etc. etc. And I'm not making up that part about 'infiltration' Ben. The FBI totally backs me up on that. Here's a clip from this FBI report (PDF) entitled (don't laugh, Ben) "White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement":
Here's an easy way to tell the difference between The BLM Movement and The KKK Movement, Ben Shapiro:
BLM has been called "An Anti-Lynching Movement for the New Millennium."
KKK is known for lynching Black people. (Get your staff to research that, Ben.)
Anti-Lynching. Lynching. Anti-Lynching. Lynching.
They are really opposite.
Here's the deal, Ben Shapiro. Next time you find that you are hating OPPOSITES exactly the same, it may be because your "view from nowhere both siderist" paycheck is just a little too easy to grasp. Eyes on the Prize! Remember that it's your STATED GOAL to "teach a new generation, from scratch, that freedom and liberty still matter, regardless of race."
And here's my advice.
Let the Ku Klux Klan go first.