Fox News' Ed Henry taking time off now that a tabloid is reporting his 10-month affair with a woman from Las Vegas Nevada.
Ed Henry: Time Out From Fox After Affair With Vegas Hostess
May 4, 2016

Honestly! It hasn't been twelve hours since sex toy oppo researcher and spanking obsessive Ted Cruz dropped out of the race, that now I have to write about Ed Henry's extramarital sex life?

Make it stop!

Okay here. Fox News White House Senior Correspondent Ed Henry is taking some time off after In Touch Weekly published reports of his ten month affair with a Las Vegas "hostess" Natalia Lima. Of course Mediaite has the, really, make it stop....details.

In Touch‘s story reveals text messages they say were exchanged between Henry and Lima, and the issue came out on newsstands today. According to In Touch, Lima said, “Whenever [Henry] was in town, we would pretty much just have sex. He has a really high sex drive.” She goes on to say that she met the veteran newscaster through social media, and that they connected during his cross-country travels covering the 2016 Presidential race beginning in the Spring of last year.


Note: This guy works for the network that is all too happy to make this year's election about Hillary Clinton's 40-year marriage.

I can't imagine how much Natalia Lima got paid by that tabloid for her well-documented story. All the money in Vegas wouldn't get me to admit an affair with anyone at Fox News, least of all Ed Henry.

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