May 5, 2016

I never usually have a big disagreement with Van Jones, but I would ask him to chill out already over his fear that Democrats aren't taking Donald Trump seriously enough.

He told CNN, "On the other side, as much concern as there is for the conservatives that he might lose and he might hurt the Republican party, my concern is he might win - and hurt the country."

Memo to Van, everyone is concerned about a possible Donald Trump presidency. You aren't the only one. On almost every primary segment I've seen Jones on lately, he's pearl-clutching the idea that he believes the left and center of this country will lay down and take a siesta all the way until November and still beat Trump in the fall. That's ludicrous.

He continued, "Because I think Democrats are taking him way too lightly. I just don't think Democrats understand that there is a wave building for change, change of any kind, of any stripe, at this point I think Kermit the Frog could run."

Mr. Jones, do you not remember the 2016 Clown Car of Republican candidates? Kermit the Frog did already run, but lost to a xenomorph, who is a nativist - Mussolini-like fascist.

Not only is Van Jones waving the emergency flag, he's also predicting a Trump victory.

CNN host said, "In fact you've said, you think Donald Trump "will probably win the presidency..if you think Democrats aren't taking him seriously, what's the prescription?"

Jones worries that states led by Republican governors will be tricky because citizens are angry over trade deals.

Jones continued, "If you lay back and think demographics are going to save you and gaffes are going to save you, you will be washed out to sea, like all the Republicans have been so far."

Dear Van, the two candidates of 2016 general election are probably going to spend the greatest amount of money on any campaign so far in our history and it's going to be an all-out clusterf*ck heading towards Election Day. It will be the most vicious campaign ever, thanks to Trump.

Donald represents the very worst of what the country holds dear. He's an AM hate talk radio candidate who plays on the fears and fantasies of his supporters. If you think the left will do nothing to stop him, you sound kind of silly.

Anything can happen of course, campaigns can change on a dime, but one thing is certain: The left will do everything possible to stop a Trump presidency, just like it would have done anything to stop a Ted Cruz presidency.

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