The more we learn about the principles and values espoused by Trump and his surrogates, the more we must acknowledge their lack of human decency. Carl Higbie, former Navy Seal and opponent of women in combat roles in the military, is an ardent Trump supporter who wants the U.S. to nullify the various clauses in our Constitution, U.N. accords and the Geneva Code and expand the use of torture.
He defended this disgusting position in his second appearance on the Alan Colmes weekly Versus segment. Last appearance, Higbie was defending the David Duke faux pas that Trump converted into a popularity surge among his bigoted fan base.
As you can imagine, Higbie was ardent that torture, proven ineffective by study after study, is the only way to 'level the playing field.' Alan tried to convey the fact that the United States has agreed to multiple national and international treaties to outlaw torture, especially 'more robust forms of torture,' but Higbie wants to make some changes.
Not surprisingly, he has a little trouble conveying that message when he gets his vocabulary a little mixed up. When asked if he wants to nullify these agreements he says,
HIGBIE: I want to make altercations.
I'd like to give him credit for a Freudian slip, as altercations is another way to say more war, but what he likely meant was alterations. He forgot Rule One for Trump and all his supporters: avoid polysyllabic words and tough interviews
Higbie says, you know, we shouldn't 'cut people's heads off' like ISIS, but he doesn't place limits on what lengths we could go to in obtaining information. He believes that the Koran allows for such awfulness and since these extremists commit barbaric atrocities, we too should keep our options open. He doesn't care at all that these methods of torture have been proven, time and time again, to be utterly ineffective and erroneous.
Essentially, America should abandon all sense of decency, in every single avenue, to 'Make America Great Again.' I hope the standards of human decency that we really want for our country and world can survive this Trump nightmare in one piece.