May 12, 2016

RNC Chair Reince Priebus gave the unity summit between Speaker Ryan and presumptive GOP Presidential Nominee Herr Trump the typical "everything is awesome" spin today.

Speaking to MSNBC's Katy Tur just after the meeting, Priebus said, "I’d hate to spoil the fun. It was a private meeting, a private conversation, but certainly everything you are hearing about is accurate that it was all positive and it was cooperative and it was great."

All is happy in happy-land!

But behind the scenes, Paul Ryan is probably getting flogged to line up and be a good GOP soldier. It's just a matter of time.

In the end, Ryan will step to and back the insane, hateful, xenophobic, sexist, bullying proto-fascist that is Herr Trump. This last-minute meeting was forced by Republican leaders like Priebus to try to make everyone feel fuzzy and happy inside about how awesome Republicans are getting along. You know, versus the truth we all know: The GOP is imploding right in front of our eyes, which warms my liberal democratic heart to no end.

The forced meeting came after Speaker Ryan came out last week and actually showed a modicum of a spine and said he would not endorse Trump, at least, until today. After his sit-down chat with the orange one, there appears to be some waffling. Shocking! Said no one.

Following the meeting, Ryan and Trump released the following joint statement, which no doubt was inartfully crafted by Preibus, since we know that Trump speaks at a 4th grade level..

Ryan's statement following the meeting was a little more tepid, but he did seem optimistic that this was a positive first step.

GOP, you made him. Now you own him.

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