PSA: That Recipe For Bernie Sanders Glowsticks Will Kill You
Credit: Screenshot
May 9, 2016

This meme has been making its way around Facebook, and it's dangerous. If you see it, please ask the person sharing to delete it.

These instructions do not tell you how to make glow sticks. These are instructions for how to make a deadly chlorine bomb.

"Signal boost," one Tumblr user posted, warning others from taking the meme seriously. "Don't do this. It seems like it was made by someone to encourage people to hurt/kill themselves."

Seems someone thought it would be cute to circulate instructions that would literally kill anyone who tried it.

Here's what would actually happen if you made them. The instructions require you to mix a swimming-pool-chlorinating tablet with isopropyl alcohol, then shake the ingredients together inside of a closed bottle. The chemical reaction rapidly generates enough chlorine gas to cause a pressurized explosion in the bottle, releasing the gas into the air.

If the lungs are exposed to enough chlorine gas, it begins to attack the respiratory system and can cause the lungs to fill with fluid until the victim asphyxiates.

The dangerous meme gives instructions for a 2-liter bomb. Take a look at this clip to see what a 3-liter chlorine bomb can do:

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