This morning's State of The Union with Jake Tapper featured a discussion with a nonsensical, disingenuous liar from the Republican side of the aisle. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) is trying to spin the possible Hillary Clinton Presidency into a Cassandra Prophecy from the days of Agamemnon.
As a well-indoctrinated Republican woman, Blackburn attributes Hillary's qualifications solely to her husband, President Bill Clinton. Hillary mentioned that she just might put her husband in charge of the economy since his presidency featured a tremendous economic boom with the highest number of private sector jobs created with salaries increasing across the board. But Blackburn has no recollection of Hillary's experience as a qualified and effective leader. She will only harp on that one comment about Bill and the economy.
BLACKBURN: I think that Hillary Clinton has a problem talking about experience, because what she has is exposure through her life, not necessarily experience. She has been there as the secondary to Bill and indeed, the top issue in the campaign, jobs and the economy... what did she say this week? I want to outsource that to Bill Clinton.
TAPPER: She was a senator for eight years and Secretary of State for four.
BLACKBURN: Well, yes she was, but what were her accomplishments within those opportunities that she was given? And when people say a Bill Clinton economy, do you want another tech bubble? Do you want to have NAFTA again? Do you want wage stagnation?
I mean, to have Bill Clinton, you would have to have Ronald Reagan come tee that up in order for what Clinton saw as the success in the first term of his presidency.
As we all know, since the days of the Colbert Report, facts seem to have a liberal bias and GOP bullshit is a fabrication of convenience, true or false, veracity is of no concern. In this case, Blackburn really means that Clinton was able to tee-up from Reagan because in her world, tee-up the economy means wreck the economy. Her duplicitous speak is merely a code for we know what happened, but we will spin the reality our way and no one will challenge us on this. I suppose her version of history doesn't count the GHWB years as president then?
Why must we listen to these disingenuous lying Republicans every damned Sunday? Marsha, please, no more of your revisionist history, because I'll take the Clinton years any day over any GOP administration. No question about that.
h/t Driftglass for this find! It's the GOP's training film that teaches them to ignore the facts, make up their own, and then make believers of facts doubt themselves.