May 30, 2016

Senator Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions is not happy at all with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan for withholding his endorsement of the Great Orange One in the presidential race.

When Maria Bartiromo asked Sessions about Ryan's endorsement, he said, "He needs to do that. We don't need to continue having the Speaker hanging out there, in my opinion."

Sessions is the de facto leader of the Always Trump faction of the Republican Party, so it really has to have him angry that Ryan hasn't endorsed yet.

Sessions also issued an ultimatum on trade agreements as part of the interview, suggesting first that Ryan didn't bother to read them, but rather just endorsed them unseen as good.

Reinforcing Trump's isolationist nativism, Sessions declared, "The American people have voted on that — they've spoken. Donald Trump has won and he is crystal clear on this issue: We are not going to have any trade agreements unless it protects the American interest."

Actually, the American people haven't all voted on that, Senator Sessions. The white nativist bigot faction of the Republican Party has voted on that, but the rest of the American people aren't that faction. Just to keep the record completely straight.

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