Rachel Maddow unearthed an ad from 1964, where actor Bill Bogert spent 4 minutes of TV time telling his fellow Republicans why Barry Goldwater was scary.
And then she actually found Mr. Bogert, who sat down with her for an interview, where he told her he was just as terrified of Donald Trump. More, even, because Trump has no experience in government.
But for me, the most fascinating thing was the 1964 ad itself, which featured Mr. Bogert speaking to a camera as if he was speaking to the people in their living rooms watching. Telling viewers Goldwater was scary, and that the people behind Goldwater were just as scary as he was.
Close your eyes and listen to him for a minute and see if you can tell whether he's saying these things in 1964 or 2016.
His one hope was for the Republican Party to "regress" a bit, to become the party he supported before the Goldwater contingent took it over.
I doubt that will happen in Mr. Bogert's lifetime, but every voter considering Trump should close their eyes and listen to him talk before they reconsider that vote.