Glenn Beck was suspended for a week by Sirius XM for not reining in his guest, fiction author Brad Thor, who hinted that maybe President Donald Trump should be "removed from office" by a "patriot" because the "feckless Congress" won't do it. Talking Points Memo:
“With the feckless, spineless Congress we have, who will stand in the way of Donald Trump overstepping his constitutional authority as President?” Thor said. “If Congress won’t remove him from office, what patriot will step up and do that if he oversteps his mandate as President, his constitutional-granted authority, I should say, as President.”
Yeah, Brad Thor is getting waaaay ahead of himself.
It's a violation of federal law of course, to threaten the life of a Secret Service protectorate. And it's against all journalistic ethics to let a guest on your talk show go so far without putting a lid on it. It's your show, Glenn Beck.
But it's not the first time a so-called conservative has promoted 'second Amendment remedies' for their electoral frustrations.
Even a nobody on Twitter knows well enough to stick an "LOL" at the end of their threats:
@AnnCoulter In the words of Sharron Angle, they could seek a Second Amendment remedy lol
— Sean Stewart (@RSeanStewart) February 21, 2016
If only Beck had interrupted Thor with a statement that 'we don't condone threats of violence......', or a "ha ha just kidding like our Ted Cruz rape jokes", but when has he used such good judgment before?
The audio that got Beck suspended begins at about the four minute mark: