May 18, 2016

In case you were wondering, Donald Trump Jr. is definitely a chip off the old race-baiting, hate mongering block.

On The Kelly File, host Megyn Kelly asked Donald Trump Jr., if his father doesn’t need to change his tone in order to become more presidential. Trump Jr. thinks Papa Trump’s tone is exactly what makes him great for America.

TRUMP: No, I think the rise is largely in part because of the tone. Because he’s finally saying the things that everyone wants to say, that all these working people in this country, the hard-working, blue collar people in this country, who’ve been left in the dust, the people who don’t have an asterisk, and don’t get special treatment for doing nothing. He’s giving them a voice again. I think that’s so important.

So what race do you think Trump was referring to when he talked about people getting “special treatment for doing nothing?” Kelly didn’t ask but I think we all know the answer.

Watch the apple fall not far from the tree, above, from the May 16 The Kelly File.

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