April 7, 2016

This segment from last night's Late Night with Seth Myers has its moments (love the Weezer reference, for instance) but I was disappointed he didn't mention that when it comes it ID laws and voter suppression, Both. Sides. Don't.

It's not enough to show Glenn Grothman being a crazy idiot. We have to hammer it home that this is a Republican crime against democracy, and yet another way that particular political party is using to maintain power in an environment where their ideas and positions are unelectable otherwise. (See privatizing Social Security and Medicare.)

This isn't a general problem with primaries nationwide. What exactly do North Carolina, Arizona and Wisconsin have in common besides long lines at polling places and widespread voter suppression? Think about it, Seth. This is a SPECIFIC problem in states with REPUBLICAN legislators and governors. Until you point that out, Seth Myers, your "closer look" is completely out of focus.

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