It's usually not a smart policy for politicians to weigh in on sports topics if they have no idea what they are talking about.
Sarah Palin Taunts Ted Cruz Over 'Basketball Ring' Gaffe
April 28, 2016

It's usually not a smart policy for politicians to weigh in on sports topics if they have no idea what they are talking about.

The latest one to make a stupefying gaffe is Ted Cruz. He decided to become a basketball aficionado while giving a speech in a Indiana gym that was home to the famous "Hoosiers."

Here's what Cruz said, “You know, the amazing thing about that basketball ring here in Indiana, it’s the same height as it is in New York City and every other place in this country. And there is nothing that Hoosiers cannot do.”

Yep, he said "ring." I guess he's never been in a gym, playground or schoolyard before..

Anyway, how you know you got it really bad when Sarah Palin is the one that mocks you about it.

She took to her trusty Facebook page and wrote, "It's smarter to actually put the ball through the HOOP before you claim victory,"

As Politico points out, The post features two images of a younger Palin as the starting point guard on Wasilla High School's basketball team.

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