April 2, 2016

Sarah Palin gave the most Sarah Paliny speech last night in Wisconsin while stumping for Donald "The Hair" Trump. In typical Palin style, it was filled with rambling, largely incoherent, confusing catch phrases, but this time the audience was not entertained. Reports coming from the audience were that it was incredibly painful to watch. In fact, Palin only got laughs three times in the entire nearly 20 minute speech, one of which was when she was finally done.

A few quotes:

“Only Trump talks rationally, about listening to top brass as president, and hiring the best of the best to work alongside our commander-in-chief.”

The audience laughed after those first four words, because one thing Trump is not known for is talking rationally.

Palin's insane comment on immigrants coming across the border from Mexico:

“Even inducing them and seducing them with gift baskets.‘Come on over the border and here’s a gift basket of teddy bears and soccer balls.’ What are you thinking? It’s just inviting more.”

Gift baskets.

Wall Street Journal reporter Reid Epstein tweeted about the "gift basketgate"

He also tweeted this Palin word salad:

Ben Jacobs of The Guardian tweeted this

Final score for the speech - F

Sarah, go back to Alaska and help your daughter focus on her abstinence speeches while raising her two out of wedlock children from two different fathers, your son, who is facing assault charges on his partner and your husband, who is recovering from a serious accident. Giving speeches is not your greatest skill. Hell, talking coherently is not a skill.

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