April 30, 2016

Trump ally Roger Stone is very afraid. Very, very afraid. This bout of gut-wrenching fear on Stone's part stems from his worry that martial law will be invoked to deny everyone the right to elect a new President in November.

This is some bizarre thinking right here, but it gives you a window into Stone's own modus operandi.

On Wednesday, Donald Trump’s confidant Roger Stone appeared on Alex Jones’ conspiracy theory radio show, where Jones and a caller asked if “the establishment” could pull off a stunt — such as deliberately crashing the economy or faking an attempt on President Obama’s life — to postpone the election in a last-ditch effort to stop Trump.

Stone, naturally, agreed with their fears: “I think they’re capable of anything, including martial law.”

Jones said nefarious actors may try to thwart Trump because they know he is a candidate who “unites us all.”

“What would you be doing if you were them?” he asked Stone.

Stone replied: “Well, they could stage an international incident in which everybody has to rally around the president and then use that as a pretext to cancel the election.”

It's telling that Stone would reveal his own strategy for how he'd cancel the election. The rest of us know the show would go on, nevertheless.

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