In these days, whenever there's a call for stiffer security, it usually revolves around some form terrorist activity or threat, but that's not the case for the RNC convention this summer in Cleveland.
A hot topic of late in the 2016 GOP presidential primaries has been the anger Trump supporters are feeling over the RNC rules that dictate how delegates are allocated in each state.
Donald Trump has been outmaneuvered recently for delegates in Colorado and Wyoming and Trump has been blaming the RNC for taking the voting process out of the hands of the people and into the party establishment.
He went on Fox & Friends on April, 11th and and told the gang that it's a "crooked" and "rigged" system.
He then wrote in the WSJ that "Colorado had an election without voters."
Dirty trickster and Trump supporter Roger Stone has vowed protests at the convention along with disclosing delegate room numbers so that Trump supporters can hassle them.
On this morning's Face The Nation, host John Dickerson asked RNC head, Reince Priebus what he "makes" of Roger Stone's hyperbolic threats.
Priebus said, "it's not helpful and I don't find it to be an appropriate threat and I'm committed to making sure the delegates have a great week. That they have a fun week, but a constructive week and a safe week."
He continued, "We're going to have plenty of security, plenty of protection for all the delegates. We'll be prepared. "It'll be a great convention, it'll be a historic convention."
Although the convention has outlawed firearms, when Priebus talks about security and protection, will his security staff be armed? Will they have pepper spray and batons to use against any troublemakers?
The treat of heightened security by the RNC because of internal strife among the party voters and leaders does not make for the type of "historic convention" Reince Priebus claims it to be.
"Plenty of protection," is not the type of RNC convention slogan the GOP was hoping for.
Don't touch that dial.