April 12, 2016

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan held a presser a few minutes ago to dispel any rumors that he is either considering or would accept to be the 2016 Republican presidential nominee during the RNC Republican convention in Cleveland this summer.

Rep. Ryan made it clear that the nominee should be someone who actually ran for the presidency this campaign season and should not be a fly in candidate.

Ryan explained, "We have too much work to do in the House to allow this speculation to swirl or to have my motivations questioned."

"So let me be clear. I do not want, nor will I accept our nomination for our party."

"...if no candidate has a majority on the first ballot, I believe that you should only choose from a person who actually has participated in the primary. Count me out."

"If you want to be the nominee for our party, to be the president, you should actually run for it. I chose not to do this therefore I should not be considered. Period. End of story."

Outside of Trump or Cruz, the party has rejected every single person that has campaigned so far.

Will this stop any more of the Ryan4President rumors?

I don't know about you, but Cleveland sure looks like it's going to be a massively entertaining sh*t storm.

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