April 24, 2016

The fossil fuel industry is desperate to present their alternative reality to the American people, one where the truth is stifled at great cost, with cinematographic fanfare. It's a simple connecting of the dots to see how the most prominent propagators of perfidy receive their ample funding to create pseudo science cinema. Money is no object for pollution profiteers, no cost too great to craft laws propitious to their malevolent greed. I imagine the name Koch Industries is the first one you'd suspect. And of course, you'd be correct. Donor's Trust is a front group for the Kochs.

The segment shown above is as ludicrous as all the science segments shown on this vehemently pro-fraud-science network. Dave posted a summary of the guest's absurd comparison of climate cooling in the 1970's using a stuffed armadillo here. Apparently, the migratory habits of the armadillo indicate that the animal is reversing its behavior to seek warmer areas and is now trying to find cooler climate. Marc Morano of CFACT told Steve Doocy that this disproves any dire predictions of greenhouse gases changing the climate. What more do you need than a stuffed armadillo to disprove the science of man-made climate change? It's insane, but really, is this the guy the oil'igarchs are banking on?

Morano is their guy. His latest press release announces the screening of a spurious production claiming that 97% of the world's scientists are wrong, is entitled: Riveting panel with Gov. Sarah Palin to introduce “Climate Hustle” on Capitol Hill - you know there's some seriously ersatz science being peddled. The word-salad queen is only an expert on dysfunction and sentence fragments, not actual science.

The other experts listed are noted Republican climate liar, Rep. Lamar Smith (TX) and moderator, Brent Bozell who is a well-known homophobe and xenophobe from the nasty Media Research Center. Their spokespeople are just the typical who's who of turd polishers from the pockets of anti-environmental protection industry giants.

Simply look into the background of the 'expert' Marc Morano, who receives generous funding from Donor's Trust. It is easy to see that he has unlimited bank to fund his upcoming travesty of duplicitous misinformation that is scheduled to premier in select cinemas on May 2, 2016. He's proud of the his CFACT group and here's why.

The Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) received over $4 million from Donors Trust from 2002 to 2011, accounting for over 45 percent of CFACT's budget in 2010. The highest-paid member of CFACT's staff is Marc Morano, who runs a website that pushes misleading attacks on climate science. Morano defended Heartland's billboard and said that climate scientists "deserve to be publicly flogged." Despite Morano's sordid background, CNN twice hosted him to "debate climate change and if it is really real" without disclosing that he has no scientific training and is paid by an industry-funded organization.

The video below shows him balking at a bet offered by Bill Nye regarding the rising temperatures that have already broken records.

Nye said he was willing to bet Morano that 2016 would be one of the ten hottest years on record. He also offered a bet the current decade would be the hottest on record.

Morano turned down both bets, telling DeSmog it was “silly” to take a bet when it was “obvious” the official records would show more global warming.

According to NASA measurements, 14 of the 16 hottest years on record have all happened since the year 2000. Last year, 2015, was also the hottest on record.

Of course he won't take the bet. However, if he did, I'm sure his benefactors could foot the bill, no problem. However, they don't bank on real science, they pay big money for the fiction this evil smog-peddler is selling. It's too risky to subject their fraud to the scrutiny of actual scientific evidence. They know that all too well.

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