Somebody's fee fees are hurt! President Obama, the Kenyan usurper-in-chief, has irked Former Defense Secretary, Robert Gates. He told Fox 'News' anchor, Brett Baier that the latest cuts to funds for military expenditures is in addition to the hundreds of billions the president has already slashed from the budget. It seems that he's taking these cuts personally.
Fox 'News' and its acolytes are laying the fear-mongering on extra thick. This headline: Fox News Reporting: Rising Threats - Shrinking Military, suggests that America has been rendered defenseless.
President Obama isn’t just making the military smaller, however--he’s changing its very essence. He’s introduced numerous policies designed to further social justice within the ranks, such as regulations to allow women to serve in combat. But military experts are concerned that all these new rules end up doing is lowering standards and destroying morale. They worry that fighting efficiency is being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.
This slimmed-down military seems designed to match the administration’s slimmed-down foreign policy. Obama, critics contend, wants an America more humble in its approach, more willing to listen to others.
Oh my goodness, it's such an outrage that our president is more inclined to being contemplative, humble and patient. Republicans like Bob Gates are more partial to engaging in warfare rather than avoiding a conflict. Their deliberate use of the term political correctness is GOP-speak for unfettered homophobia, misogyny and sanctioning the murder of those who look or pray differently from you. When Obama announced the cuts,
BAIER: What was your reaction?
GATES: 'I guess I’d have to say I felt double-crossed. After all those years in Washington, I was naïve.
‘The world doesn’t seem to be getting better. Before you head down a path of deep cuts in defense, why don’t you take it kind of slow...You know it was one of those things where I lost the argument.”
It is a challenge to understand their thinking. It seems that you need to carefully consider scaling back our very well-funded military, but if you're thinking about going to war with another country? Well, that should be done hastily with no exit strategy, no regard for human life and no way to pay for it. It's astounding how the GOP is always on the WRONG SIDE of EVERY ISSUE.