So Donald Trump has a new favorite word, "collude," which he is using to accuse Ted Cruz and John Kasich of something for which Trump says, "in the business world you go to jail."
Donald's understanding of "collusion" as far as business is concerned, is right. Collusion means price fixing between businesses, in a cartel or other arrangement, and it's illegal.
Corporations don't bother colluding these days, though. In banking, health insurance, cable television service, internet service providing, and of course, media, companies just buy each other up and create a monopoly. No need for collusion if you are the only big bank or health insurer in a state. And don't get me started about Monsanto.
But whether the Cruz / Kasich "stop Trump" deal is collusion, it's not working. The New York Times:
Far from forming any kind of unity ticket, Mr. Trump’s surviving challengers have both vowed to triumph in an open convention in Cleveland, and they remain irreconcilable on key matters of policy. Their agreement dealt only with three states, leaving an open question as to how directly they might compete with each other everywhere else.
It would be "collusion" if Kasich and Cruz together could garnish enough votes to make Trump lose. As it is, Trump got more votes in Pennsylvania than Kasich and Cruz combined. You can't collude if you don't have a corner on the market.