April 16, 2016

In one of Kathy Bates defining performances of her career, "Misery," was a shocking tale penned in 1987, by the master of horror Stephen King, and brought to the screen by Rob Reiner. Bates won an oscar for her COCKADOODIE performance of Annie Wilkes, the unhinged Dragon lady of nurses. She was so scary that her character was ranked 17th on AFI's 100 Years... 100 Heroes and Villains.

And let's not forget how good that "dirty bird," James Caan was in the role of writer Paul Sheldon.

What also made the movie work was the casting of two of my favorite character actors Frances Sternhagen and , along with a dose of the to fill out the rest of the cast.

And remember, if anyone says to you, "I'm your number one fan," run like hell. That is if you haven't been hobbled yet.

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