Bikers For Trump Is A Real Thing!
Credit: The Daily Beast
April 2, 2016

It's true. Bikers for Trump is real, and led by the Hell's Angels, which should surprise no one.

The Daily Beast reports:

Trump has embraced his biker supporters with gusto.

“My biker friends,” Trump said during a Q&A at a recent Wisconsin rally. His new friends aren’t just fans and are now pledging to provide ad hoc security at for their new hero, using violence if necessary.

Bikers for Trump, a 20,000-strong grassroots collection of motorcycle-riding supporters, has eschewed violence—at least according to its de facto leader. But it has found that its own supporters are ready to cross that line—if by their own estimation they should deem it required.

“If that means us having to protect ourselves by taking someone else’s life, that’s what we’re going to have to do,” one biker said, in a video shared by Bikers for Trump, on beefing up security.

But hey, they don't want to be violent unless some punk-ass protester makes them get that way.

Chris Cox, who founded Bikers for Trump 2016 in August, denies any involvement in creating the “KICK SOME ASS” flyer, and emphasized that neither he nor his group condones any kind of violence, and that he encourages his pro-Trump compatriots not to be “hotheaded” when dealing with activists.

“We are not looking for a fight, but at the same time, if someone starts one, we won’t back down,” he told The Daily Beast.

Maybe we can stand them up at the gates of Hell first.

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