March 6, 2016

As anyone who already reads this blog is well aware of, former failed Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has been out there making the rounds these days, basically calling for a brokered convention and sounding the alarm over the possibility of Donald Trump winning his party's nomination this year.

Romney made an appearance on this Sunday's Meet the Press, and host Chuck Todd did press him on his hypocrisy when it comes to him formerly seeking Trump's endorsement, but anyone else notice the big elephant in the room that Chuck Todd (along with every other host in the corporate media that's had him on, for that matter) failed to mention?

When is someone going to ask Romney how anyone should take an ounce of his criticism about Trump and his disregard for working Americans seriously given his record as a vulture capitalist at Bain Capital and the countless jobs, lives and pensions he destroyed and the jobs he shipped overseas?

My guess is never. We all know they're all more worried about access and these clowns coming back on their shows than ever asking them any questions that might make them uncomfortable. So the guy who made his fortune buying up companies, loading them up with debt, stealing all of their wealth for himself and his investors, and then selling them off while devastating the workers gets to pretend he's some man of the people who has grave concerns about Trump ripping people off with is failed "Trump University." It's enough to turn your stomach.

Here's the transcript of their exchange via NBC News:

CHUCK TODD: Governor, all those unsuccessful businesses that you outlined on Thursday, Trump Airlines, Trump University, Trump Vodka, those were all failures before 2012 as well. Were you just sort of saying something you had to say four years ago in order to accept his endorsement?

MITT ROMNEY: Well, Donald Trump has made a lot of money for himself. And there's no question that he's got a lot of money in his pockets and has been successful in that score. But if you look at his record overall, and there are other, by the way, failures, you say, "Okay, he made a lot of money for himself, he inherited a lot of money from his dad." But this is not a guy who's a self-made man. And this is a guy who's crushed a lot of people along the way.

CHUCK TODD: But why'd you say nice things about him four years? Why did you say so many nice things about his business career when clearly you're not impressed?

MITT ROMNEY: You know, he's made a lot of money for himself. And I'm gracious enough in a setting where someone has endorsed me to point out that he's been successful, made a lot of money. He has a lot of hotels and so forth. But you can't also ignore the fact that he's had a lot of failures. And he tries to sell himself in this campaign as nothing but successful. He's not a loser.

You know what? He's lost time and time again. And he's crushed a lot of people in the process. And the thing that I find most unusual, and perhaps outrageous, is that even though he says he's worth $10 billion, he finds it in his interest to go out and bilk people of $10,000, $15,000 there for Trump University. These people have really been scammed. And I want to make sure that the American people are not subject to the same kind of scam as we nominate a president.

CHUCK TODD: I understand that. But, you know, you did, you laid out a whole bunch of things that you thought disqualified Trump, not just his business background, you thought his support for terrorists could lead to a trade war, you were pretty critical of the vulgar language that he uses the insulting of Muslims. But, you know, he was pretty insulting of Muslims four years ago. He was the face of the birther movement, which has been totally discredited. And I've got to tell you something here, in 2011, listen to this vulgarity he used:

DONALD TRUMP (ON CLIP): The messenger is important. I could have one man say, "We're going to cut you 25%." And I could say another, "Listen (BEEP) we're going to tax you 25%."

CHUCK TODD: Governor, it's Sunday morning, so we had to beep that out. But it was this horrible, frankly, F-bomb tirade that he went on, it's been making the rounds on YouTube. Again, in 2011. So I go back. Do you believe you mainstreamed Trump, made him acceptable, and do you regret it?

MITT ROMNEY: Chuck, there are a lot of people who supported me who I'm sure used the F-bomb, in other words. I had 61 million people vote for me in the general election. And I'm not endorsing all 61 million people for president. And I'm happy to accept the endorsement of a lot of people who I disagree with on some issues, and some people who I wouldn't want to be associated with the things they say.

But I, at this stage, am at a point where we're looking at Donald Trump and the future of the country. And we say to ourselves, "Is someone with his record and someone who believes the things he believes, which in my view would lead to a recession and to a trade war, and would lead to a world being less safe, do we want that person to be president of the United States?"

Do we want that clip you just saw being on TV for our kids to see time and time again? Even the debate, the presidential debate last week, Donald Trump is saying something I don't want my grandkids to watch. So this guy, look, he may be colorful, he may have made a lot of money for himself, he is not the person who should be president of the United States.

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