March 25, 2016

Adriana Cohen, a Boston Herald radio host and yuge Trump supporter got roundly walloped by CNN's S.E. Cupp over her constant excuse that "political correctness has not kept America safe," and "it's one of our biggest national security liabilities." See, Trump doesn't mince his words like Obama does and acts like Nero fiddling as Europe is set on fire.

Adriana she delved into Trump's love of torture and waterboarding and she tried to frame that around political correctness too.

Cupp wasted no time in telling her that Trump supporters all use the "PC" argument to excuse his nonsense and that it "has nothing to do with reality and facts."

"Political correctness has been used like a cudgel through this entire election to defend every asinine thing that Donald Trump has said."

She reminded Cohen that we signed onto the Geneva Conventions with 196 other nations Donald Trump cannot wave a magic wand and change those laws.

Cohen, smugly said that "it remains to be seen."

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