Tell me if you have heard this headline before. Black or Muslim attendee at a Trump rally is verbally assaulted, hit, shoved, kicked and thrown out purely based on race. Well, it happened again, and we have the gruesome video below, courtesy of WLKY News.
At a rally in Lousiville, Kentucky yesterday, a black attendee was shoved by attendees who also called her "nigger and cunt." Did anyone stop them? Did security help her? Did Trump ask them to stop? No, no and no.
Talking Points Memo reports that Shaun King identified the victim as University of Louisville student Shiya Nwanguma.
Nwanguma posted a video on Facebook shortly afterwards and stated:
"I just got escorted out by the police. The people at the rally, they were pushing and shoving at me, cursing at me, yelling at me, called me every name in the book. They're disgusting and dangerous."
One of the racists, Matthew Heimbach, was proud enough of his actions to actually post on a blog called "The Traditionalist Youth Network" the following gems. His excuse? She asked for it. She was disruptive and deserved it. Here is his lovely statement:
"Now there’s some viral footage of several heated moments in Louisville. One features yours truly helping the crowd drive out one of the women who had been pushing, shoving, barking, and screaming at the attendees for the better part of an hour. I’ll avoid any additional Trump events to ensure that I don’t become a distraction, but the entire point of the BLM’s tactics is to push people until they push back. It won’t be me next time, but White Americans are getting fed up and they’re learning that they must either push back or be pushed down."
So he feels that he is "helping" by shoving an innocent woman while the baying crowd physically and verbally assaults her? Wow.
This is the face of the GOP in 2016. Thank you, Trump.