The "I'm not voting for Donald Trump" starter pack
— Horror Story (@horrificstory) March 1, 2016
Did your state vote today? What was your experience at the polls?
And what are you seeing or hearing in the coverage?
Super Tuesday Open Thread below...
Update (Karoli):
As the polls close at 4:00 pm, MSNBC has called the results for Vermont, Georgia, and Virginia.
Georgia is projected to go for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Virginia is projected for Hillary Clinton on the Democratic side, but it's in a dead heat between Trump and Rubio for the GOP win.
Vermont goes to Bernie Sanders on the Democratic side, with a close race between Trump and Kasich on the Republican side.
Update 2: At 8 PM Eastern time:
Massachusetts: GOP - Trump Dem - Too early to call
Alabama: GOP - Trump Dem - Clinton
Tennessee: GOP - Trump Dem - Clinton
Oklahoma - Too early to call on both sides.
American Samoa - Clinton
Vermont: NBC News has changed their projection from too early to call to too close to call between Kasich and Trump.
Update 3: At 8:30 PM Eastern Time
Arkansas: Dem - Clinton GOP - Too early to call between Trump and Cruz
Update 4:
MSNBC has changed the Massachusetts race from "too early to call" to "too close to call." There's a very, very narrow margin right now between Sanders and Clinton.
Update 5: At 8:45 Eastern Time
Trump is now projected to win Virginia, leaving Marco Rubio in 2nd place. Await the celebration!
Update 6: At 9:00 Eastern Time
Texas: Cruz projected for Republicans; Clinton for Democrats.
Update 7: At 9:15 Eastern Time
Oklahoma goes to Bernie Sanders. Oklahoma GOP goes to Cruz.
Update 8: 10:20 PM
Arkansas: Called for Trump
Massachusetts: Clinton leading, still too close to call on Dem side
Vermont: Too close to call on the GOP side
Also, Trump did a bizarro presser that we'll probably do a separate post on later. For now, enjoy this:
Update 9: 11:00 PM Eastern time
Colorado is called for Bernie Sanders.
Update 10: 11:10 Eastern
Massachusetts called for Hillary Clinton.
Minnesota called for.....Marco Rubio. He finally won one.
Update 11: 11:30 Eastern
Minnesota called for Bernie.
Tonight's Delegates: Hillary: 525 Bernie: 335