'Super Saturday' Primary/Caucus Results Open Thread (Updated)
Credit: BBC
March 5, 2016

Today we will learn the results in:

Kentucky (Republicans only)
Maine (Republicans only)
Nebraska (Democrats only)

(Sunday, Democrats vote in Maine and Republicans vote in Puerto Rico. )

What are you noticing in the election coverage? And if you're voting in any of these states, what was your experience at the polls?

Open thread for election results below....

Update: 5:45 PM

  • Cruz wins Kansas; Bernie wins Kansas
  • Trump is winning Kentucky so far
  • Cruz wins Maine

Update #2: 6:00 PM

Nebraska caucuses going for Bernie - split is 55/45 thus far with 75% reporting.

Update #3: 6:30 PM

CNN calls Louisiana for Hillary; Trump currently leading

Update #4 8:00 PM

Louisiana and Kentucky called for Trump.

Trump is speaking now, and calling for Marco Rubio to drop out.

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