There's trouble brewing at the RNC since all three GOP presidential candidates are having hissy fits with each other.
March 31, 2016

Since Donald Trump recanted on his RNC pledge to support whoever the nominee is, today he had a closed door meeting with Reince Priebus today to discuss a few things.

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Thursday met with Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus behind closed doors at RNC headquarters.

The meeting lasted about an hour as dozens of reporters and onlookers gathered outside the headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Trump left out of a back door, waving to media and onlookers from his motorcade as it rolled out. Some reporters shouted questions, which Trump did not acknowledge.

Moments after being seen leaving RNC headquarters, Trump tweeted that he had a "nice meeting" with Priebus.

Then the Donald tweeted this:

As my pal Steve Benen reported, it wasn't only Trump who is backing away from the RNC pledge.

Ted Cruz and John Kasich have now recently said they are hedging their bets as well.

In this case, “he” referred to Trump’s principal rival, Sen. Ted Cruz, who also suggested he no longer feels bound by the party’s pledge.

“I’m not in the habit of supporting someone who attacks my wife and attacks my family,” Cruz said last night. Pressed to explain the implications of his position, the Texas Republican would only say, “I gave you my answer.”

For good measure, even John Kasich hedged on whether he’ll honor the RNC pledge, saying he would have to wait to “see what happens” in the Republican race before deciding whether to keep his commitment.

Ouch. Maybe the RNC can sue the candidates for breach of contract?

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