Group Forms Trump Militia To 'Forcefully Protect' Rally Goers From 'Far-Left Agitators'
Credit: Gage Skidmore
March 14, 2016

A group of Donald Trump supporters over the weekend called for volunteers to join a would-be militia aiming to protect voters against so-called “violent far-left agitators.”

In recent days, violence at Trump's rallies has escalated to match the candidate's rhetoric. Last week, a man in North Carolina was charged with assault after he sucker-punched a black man. And on Sunday, police in Kansas City pepper-sprayed protesters outside of a Trump event.

Hours after a protester rushed the stage at Trump's Dayton rally, a Twitter group called "The Lion's Guard" called on supporters of the GOP front-runner to join a make-shift militia, according to RT.

"Do you want to provide security protection to innocent people who are subject to harassment and assault by Far-left agitators?" Lion's Guard asked in a call to action. "If so, you are welcome to join. That's the mission -- to protect innocents who can't hire their own security guards."

Lion's Guard said that their members would be unarmed, "but willing to forcefully protect people if need be."

"We are *defensive*, *protective* of innocents who are being beaten and harassed for their political views."

Within hours, the account reportedly had over 500 followers, and members were already asking for "uniform suggestions."

RT noted that Lion's Guard later suspended its account after claiming that someone had threatened the founder's child. But the group also said that a website was being created to "make it easier to coordinate action."

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