March 8, 2016

On a whole, the Fox News Democratic Presidential Town hall was pretty good. Baier went after Hillary pretty hard on the emails which was expected and the audience questions were good overall, but what was just as interesting was the Frank Luntz' focus group that appeared on The Kelly File, at the tail end of her show.

The conversation between Luntz and the group was so rooted in reality and facts of what the candidates were saying and how they related, that Frank Luntz was tremendously impressed. He went as far as saying that this Democratic Focus group was much more thoughtful than any of his previous Republican focus groups.

Luntz: Are you happy with the Democratic campaign so far? Do you think it has been good for the Democratic party?

Person 1: Absolutely. It really shows America that this is the way we can relate to each other as humans. Respect each other's dignity.

Luntz: You buy that?

Person 2: Stark contrast to what we have seen on the other side, what we have seen on the Democratic side, full of substance.

Luntz: I have to tell you that it is a stark contrast, you are in your participation thoughtful, you are less emotional. you are very thoughtful. And it is something not seen enough of and I'm glad we had the chance Megyn, to bring it to your viewers tonight. This is going to be a very long campaign cycle. it is unclear who is going to emerge at the end. What is clear is the voice of the voter and that is exactly what you got.

Wow, just wow.

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